Year 11 Revision Sessions recommence Tuesday 8 January 2019.
Our Sixth Form Open Evening is on Tuesday 22 January 2019 from 4.30m - 6.30 pm. Parking is available in the school yard via the Pennine Way gates.
On the last day of term students can wear a Christmas jumper instead of the usual school jumper and donate £1 to the sixth form council's chosen charity Young Minds, the UK's leading charity supporting young people's mental health.Donations will be collected in tutor groups.Other items of school uniform must be worn as usual – blazer, shirt, t...
This week we remember that we are in the Year of the Eucharist which Bishop Paul began in November. The Eucharist is called the "source and summit" of our faith for it sums up all that we believe and all the other sacraments are oriented towards it. The Eucharist contains the fullness of the spiritual goods of the Christian life - namely Jesus Chri...
Thank you so much to students, staff and parents for their generous donation to the SVP food bank. Your support was very much appreciated.