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Newman School News

Year 5 Catholic Primary Schools Visit


This morning we welcomed Year 5's from St Margaret Mary's, St Bede's and St Cuthbert's Catholic Primary Schools. The pupils took part in a carousel of workshops including Spanish, English and DT. We hope everyone had a great morning and special thanks to our Year 8 pupil guides for their help.

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Flu Vaccinations - Friday 27 September

The School Immunisation Team will be in school on Friday 27 September 2024 to deliver the flu vaccination to all pupils who have consent.  If you would like your child have the vaccination please complete the consent form that was emailed out to parents/carers or you can telephone 01228 608046 and give verbal consent.

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Year 10 Expectations Evening

The Year 10 Expectations Evening is taking place in school on Thursday 26 September 2024. Parents/Carers can sign in from 5.15 pm via the side pupil entrance and the presentation will start at 5.30 pm.

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Year 6 School Tours


Parents of pupils who are currently in Year 6 will be asked to make their preference of secondary school by the end of October 2024. To help with this process we are holding tours of our school during September and October. If you missed our Open Evening in June or would like another look around, we would like to invite you to join us for a tour of...

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Transition to Secondary School - Year 6 Tours

Parents of pupils in Year 6 will be asked to make their preference of secondary school by the end of October 2024.To help with this process we are holding tours of our school during September and October.  If you missed our Open Evening in June or would like another look around, we would like to invite you to join us for a tour of th...

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