Our Year 12's had a fantastic day at Lancaster University today. The day included a welcome talk, campus tour, a session on personal statement writing and a Q&A session. The students were fully engaged throughout the day. The sessions were informative and insightful and we cannot praise the Student Recruitment Team at Lancaster highly enough fo...
Our pupils have been enjoying weekly visits as an alternative provision link with Susan's Farm in Houghton. Pupils have been having hands-on experience in a safe and nurturing outdoor environment. This link is part of our commitment to provide pupils with unique, experiential learning opportunities that support their development in resili...
Pupils in Years 7,8 and 9 will be attending an electricity themed show in school `Powering up to save the planet' on Friday 2 May 2024.
The Year 12 Online Parent's Evening will take place via our online platform School Cloud on Tuesday 30 April 2024 from 4.30 pm - 7.00 pm.
On Tuesday 30 April all pupils in 7ELL and 7KAN will visit Castlerigg Manor Retreat for a day visit. Pupils will leave school at 9.00 am and will return by 3.00 pm in time for the end of the school day. The cost of the trip is £15.00 and this can be paid and consent given via school iPay under the fund Castlerigg Day Trip.