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Transition 2020


Do not use it for current information!
Below is archive data for Transition 2020.
Go back to the current transition page.

September School Opening Update (July 2020)

Year 6: Term of Transition – Meet the Tutors: 7KJF

17th July 2020

Year 6: Term of Transition – Meet the Tutors: 7SJG

16th July 2020

Year 6: Term of Transition – Meet the Tutors: 7LMC

15th July 2020

Year 6: Term of Transition – Meet the Tutors: 7KAB

14th July 2020

Year 6: Term of Transition – Meet the Tutors: 7KAM

13th July 2020

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 30: Celebration of Success

10th July 2020

Home Learning Activity:

We want to celebrate all of the hard work and contributions of our new year seven students, we are so proud of all of you who have been able to contribute.

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 29: Where in the World

9th July 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Can you research and identify the different places in the world? They aren’t necessarily obvious, but then the World’s a big place, so why would they be? :)

Submit your answers to:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 28: The Library

8th July 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Give a brief review or account of your all time favourite book/series of books.

Submit your answers to:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 27: Creativity Assembly

7th July 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Today’s assembly is all about creativity. What’s your creative outlet?

Submit your answers to:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 26: Midday Supervisors

6th July 2020

Home Learning Activity:

List all of the ways students can make the school community a positive place to be.

Submit your answers to:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 25: Music

3nd July 2020

Home Learning Activity:

What’s your favourite piece of music and why? Can you describe the rhythm and sound, thinking about the instruments you hear within the piece?

Submit your answers to:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 24: Computing and Business

2nd July 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Choose to complete either the technical or creative task and upload your work to the padlet. Have fun!

Here are a couple of examples of the activities we are getting you to complete: (See  pictures below) 

Use this website for the pixel art task:

Upload your work to padlet here:

Computer Systems


Pixel art


Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 23: Induction Presentation

1st July 2020

Induction Presentation

Our induction presentation had lots of important information about the school day, uniform and behaviour systems. Watch it again to ensure there’s no information you missed.

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 22: Design and Technology

30th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Design and make a product that will help to solve a problem (however big or small) faced by children starting at a new school.

Submit your ideas to:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 21: PE

29th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Work your way through the activities in the booklet and email them to:

Year 6 Induction Presentation

26th June 2020

Induction Presentation

This video gives lots of information about the day to day running of our school for when you join us in September.

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 20: Spanish

26th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Learn the colours of the rainbow and complete the attached activity then send to the padlet page.

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 19: History

25th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Imagine you are having a party.
You want to invite three people from history.
Who would they be and why?

Submit your answers to:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 18: Assembly

24th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Think about how you can contribute to our team at Newman.

Submit your work to:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 17: Catholic Ethos

23th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Draw a picture that you think reflects what the love of God looks like.

Submit your work to:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 16: Internet Safety

22th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Write a letter to a friend informing them of the dangers of being online and advising them how to stay safe when using the internet.

Write your letter on the padlet:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 15: RE

19th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Complete the answers at the end of the video and email to the transition email address.

Submit your work to:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 14: Art

18th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Create a colourful ice cream stack and submit via the transition email.

Submit your work to:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 13: English

17th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Today we want you to complete the padlet telling us about your favourite book, author or series of books explaining why you like it so much.

Padlet Link:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 12: Maths

16th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Complete the activities on the PowerPoint or pdf documents.

Submit your work to:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 11: Science

15th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Complete the attached activity pdf on the website. Once you’ve completed the experiment, we want you to send in your pictures/video of it in action.

Submit your work to:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 10: Form group. Communication Update

12th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

The time has come for us to find out about your friendship group. Who do you want to be in your Form with you? The attached survey will help us to match students with the peers they are familiar with. We can never guarantee first choices for lots of reasons, however we will always try out hardest to ensure students are placed with some people they know and are comfortable with (and it's very rare we don't succeed at this). 


Please use the attached survey link to provide us with this information.


As there is a lot of logistical planning involved with matching groups together, please could we ask for this information by no later than Monday 22nd June so we have time to give the matching process the attention and careful scrutiny it deserves, and we have time to let students know which form they will be in before the Summer. 


Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 9: Careers

11th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Use the Careers Widget on the school’s Careers page to find out about your dream job or a career you might like to know more about. 

Fill in the attached sheet and then complete some further research on your chosen career.

Submit your work to:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 8: Attendance

10th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Complete the attached sheet working out each student’s percentage attendance using Mrs Armstrong’s instructions to help.

Submit your work to:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 7: SEND & Inclusion

9th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Today, we want to find out about you as a learner.
We have attached a questionnaire link that you can complete online.
Once you’ve done it, please remember to press submit.

Here’s the link:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 6: Student Services

8th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Can you memorise all of the different items you’ll need with you as essential equipment?

Also, there are some numeracy activities attached linked to the equipment price list.

Submit your work to:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 5: Student Support and the Timetable

5th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

We want you to use the blank template provided and make up your own timetable of interesting subjects.
They can be wild, adventurous and totally exciting - after all, it is your curriculum.
To challenge yourself, add in equally wild and interesting rooms and teachers.

Submit your work to: 

We can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 4: Teaching, Learning and Curriculum

4th June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Use the link and complete the padlet telling us all about your favourite subject:

Once you've done that, think about any specific subject you'd love to see on the Curriculum at Newman Catholic School.

Please, please try to use padlet, but if you can't use the padlet, send us the information via:

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 3: ‘What makes me happy in life...’

3rd June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

For today’s home learning task, we want you to fill in the thought bubble sheet with all of the things that make you happy. If you can’t print, don’t worry, just write a list and take a picture of it. You can send your work to: 

Year 6: Term of Transition – Day 2: ‘My favourite things to do...’

2nd June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Today, we are setting you a home learning task. We want you to write down three of your all-time favourite things to do. Think really carefully about the activities that make you happy. Whether it’s spending time with family or adventuring with friends, we can’t wait to hear about it! Mr Forrester has given his examples in the video. When you’ve thought about it, have your parents film a 30 second video of you telling us about your favourite things to do. If you can’t film it, write a few sentences and send your videos/pictures to:

Year 6: A Term of Transition Activities – Day 1: ‘Headteacher’s Welcome’

1st June 2020

Home Learning Activity:

Today, we are setting you a home learning task. We want you to write down five words that summarise your personality. Think really carefully about the very best kinds of adjectives you can use to describe yourself. Mr McAuley has given his examples in the video. We also want you to draw a self-portrait of yourself and surround the portrait with your words (there are some examples below). Once you’ve done that, you can have a parent take a picture of your portrait and send it to our dedicated email address:

self portrait 1


self portrait 2


Transition Introduction Video

Transition 2020

Starting any new school can always be a worrying time for some families. At Newman we offer a full support package for our new students. Ordinarily, students would be invited in to school for an induction day. We would normally hold additional days as well so that students can have additional access opportunities.  

The transition programme for 2020 has changed due to the ongoing national situation we find ourselves in.

Primary School Information Gathering

This year, we are already well under way with liaising with primary schools and finding out as much information as we can so as to help the Year 6 students transition into Year 7 and join our Newman family.

Additional information questionnaires

Throughout early June we will be sending out questionnaires to parents and students to find out even more – What are your interests? Who do you get along with? Who would you (ideally) like to be in a Form group with? Where might you need extra support (if at all)?

This information is invaluable and really helps us to get a bigger picture of you as a young person.

Welcome Presentation

Towards the end of June (Date tbc) we will be broadcasting a presentation evening so that we can deliver all of the day-to-day running information about the school. You can find out about uniform, school dinners and all of the small pieces of information that ‘put you in the know’ about how our school works.

A Term of Transition

Every school day from now until the end of term on this page, we will update a video introducing you to a different member of staff who will give you information about a small aspect of school life, and they will set you a home learning task.

Contact Us

If you have general enquiries about your child’s transition, please email:


If you would like to offer more specific, detailed information about your child, please email: and we can arrange a one to one chat.


If you have/ or would like more information surrounding SEND, please email:

Think U Know
Young Writers
Catholic Teaching Alliance
Accelerated Reader
Microsoft Office Specialist
Ofsted ParentView
