By S James on Wednesday, 21 December 2022
Category: General News

Welcome to St John Henry Newman Wheelers eLibrary

During the Christmas break why not browse through our eLibrary. The eLibrary gives you free access to over 1400 fiction and non-fiction eBook titles and over 800 audio book titles. It is simple to borrow an eBook or audiobook.

To login to St John Henry Newman school's ePlatform digital library please follow these steps:

Pupils can find the eLibrary via the St John Henry Newman web page, go to the pupil's tab, then the library tab, once on the library page scroll down to eBooks and audio tab to access the St John Henry Newman eLibrary. Simply hit the 'borrow' button and you can start reading or listening immediately.

All pupils and staff are encouraged to download the free APP to their own devices, which means they will always have access to the eLibrary via the APP. With a single sign in it can be downloaded onto a maximum of 6 home devices.There is an apps link (for iOS, Android, and Windows) on the eLibrary homepage or pupils can search for the Wheelers eplatform app on their own devices.

The collection offers a wide and varied choice of reading, in addition to what is available in our school library. There can be 2 loans at any one time and items issue for 2 weeks after which they will automatically disappear. There is an option to reserve titles that are currently on loan and items can be renewed unless someone else has reserved them.

There are ways to filter searches and a few customisation facilities to look out for, including being able to create personal reading lists, display and dyslexia settings and storing audio books offline.

Please do have a look at our collection with your child at home and encourage them to download and use the app.